Soap with Men in Mind

Kiss of Killary

“Kiss of Killarney” smells very much like a popular soap that starts with “Irish” and ends with a word that rhymes with “ring”! 😉  I asked friends to help me name the soap, and a childhood and lifelong friend offered the name “Kiss of Killarney”.  So cute! I like it! And in honor of this dear friend from my hometown, I’m naming it with this cute name.

get it here

Chivalrous Man

I almost named this one “Rustic”, but the scent suggests a bit of sophistication as well, so I went with “Chivalrous”.  This scent is identical to the popular “Nautical” soap that was in stock last year (perhaps I’ll bring that one back someday, but not at this moment).

This is a great choice scent for the men shopping here, or the women shopping for the men in their lives. There is another good “man soap” in stock right now too, called, “Bay Rum and Tobacco”, should you be looking for variety. Of course, there are other great soap bars throughout the store for both men and woman alike, but these two choices are especially geared for men.

check it out

Bay Rum & Tobacco

Such a rich and unique gift is this sweet smelling, manly-type-scented soap with a — yup — cinnamon stick inside! Smells nice and it’s a nice touch to this useful art!

take a look




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